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Yeah - that's what I meant

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/16/2006, 18:49:18, in reply to "Re: Good point, Gail!"
Hard to explain - it's more a concept than a wordy monologue. But Andrea explained it very well.

I didn't say you lose ALL your rights when you're arrested (as a US citizen). I said, "Detainees sometimes have even more "rights" than American citizens", which is true. It probably comes down to forgetting that we're all human beings, and the "rights" we're talking about are rights because we've MADE them rights. Of course, some people believe that some rights are inherent (as do I) but that doesn't make a difference in politics or war. The simple fact is there are laws and there are people's actions and reactions. We have laws and more laws to govern the following of those laws. We have many people breaking those laws, and imperfect people enforcing those laws. Which leads us to what motivates people to do what they do, whether they're on the right or wrong side of the law or morality and ethics.

My point is that to walk on eggshells in the treatment of an individual you KNOW has attacked and harmed others, when you disregard how you treat your BROTHER who's arrested for speeding, is ludicrous. It's worrying about the baseboards being clean in a room when you have a HUGE pile of crap in the middle that needs to be cleaned up. It's refusing to see the REAL issue, let alone FIX it.


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