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Ok - I'll try this

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/16/2006, 19:25:28, in reply to "Re: Yeah - that's what I meant"
I can yell at my kids when they do something wrong - not that it's the RIGHT thing to do, but it happens. HOWEVER, if we're in public, I will be more CAREFUL about how I discipline - whether I raise my voice or not. That's because it's PUBLIC. Other people will be more AWARE of how I handle the situation cuz it's not my own private home.

I think that often happens with detainees - we're more careful because it's all so public. Whereas, the beaten domestic prisoner awaiting trial may not even be heard of. It's probably a media issue - and people's response to it - than a real LEGAL issue.

And if people were embracing morals and ethics, a great deal of our issues would go away anyway - but that's another argument entirely.


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