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I'm sorry if you've been treated badly....

Posted by Tracy on 12/7/2005, 15:14:32, in reply to "ONE significant reason for lack of compassion is "
I won't pretend to understand the plight of minorities because I myself have never been the recipient. I live in the southwest where there are a large percentage of minorities ( I'd even call them the majority if you could count the ones here illegally as well). Prejudice and discrimination are very rare. But I am aware that it still exists in spades in other areas. Since my state has little history in either slavery or civil rights I'd like to offer my insight as a person as such.

Slavery was not an institution created in America. It was a centuries old practice all over the world to capture and sell the black people of Africa. It came to this country and for that we paid a big price. A nation divided, a country physically and spiritually ravaged by a war fought by hundreds of thousands of white, european descent lives. Our country has slowly, granted, but now steadily become a nation of equal opportunity for people of all races and a smaller, and very uncomfortable place for the bigots of this nation. I don't understand your resentment and I certainly don't see how it relates to the plight of this person. I really am sorry if you've been subjected to this second-class citizen treatment and hope you got in the face of anyone who did it. But today's average white American (and I think it is a STRONG majority) would NEVER do that and don't deserve the comeuppance you've prescibed.


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