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Tom, I have puzzled and puzzled till' my puzzler is sore...

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/5/2005, 14:34:01
Okay let me say this right now!!!!!!! this isn't DIRECTED at Tom ALONE..he just happened to be the one I started to talk to about this...if he wants to read fine...if not fine...if you don't want to play fine also....but as we were discussing the best way to defend against an attack...it dawned on my (my bad) that I was answering from a POV that the attack would be from a stranger( I know better...sigh...)...Then I asked Tom about what to do if the attack came from someone you know....because...you are more likely( FACT) to be attacked by someone you know than by a stranger...etc....Tom's answer was...."why are you differentiating???" His point...(and if any words I put in his mouth are wrong I am sure he will let me know....these are basically my thoughts about our conversation)...was as soon as the first fist flew....I then didn't know that person....I got that....And god love Tom...he actually said (GASP, be still my twitterpated heart:) that he didn't know anything about domestic violence (dv) so he couldn't comment....WHAT A MAN! So since I do know (16 odd years ladies and gent, no wonder I am twitterpated:) I am going in....not because of anything other than....this is something I feel we all should know...and since I am the one who knows it...I have appointed myself the EDUCATOR/TEACHER....:) no ego problems here:)

But first a little quiz: (got this off of Tom...let 'em figure it out themselves first....lol) Disclaimer: I will be referring to victims mainly as women/abusers as men...statistically that is the way it is...I can't change that so please don't yell at me:)

1) how many of you know a battered
2) what are the odds that batterers counseling will work?
3) how many times does she leave and go back...(this is a gimme...I already said this)
4)where is the most dangerous place for a woman to be?
5) anyone know what the odds are that you will be attacked by an intimate as to a stranger?
6) why does she stay? anyone who gets this right moves immediatley to the valedictorians positon..

let the games begin...:)


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