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Um --- no ... not really ....

Posted by Jake's Gail TTG on 2/16/2006, 23:59:02, in reply to "Let's rephrase :Not "
angela, I swear you'd argue with me if I said that un-read posts are blue and posts that have been read are red *LOL*

This is so not a north/south issue. And I simply took issue with the EVERYONE tag and said that it would better be stated as SOME ---

See --- I live in a county that had a sheriff that ripped all the televisions out of the jail cells, closed down all the gyms and weight rooms, did away with all the 'special' meals and said --- 'you break the law --- you're in MY jail now' --- 2 cold meals a day (cereal and sandwiches) a hot meal at night. If you wanted exercise you could go work with the highway crews wearing your white and black striped jail-gear. If you didn't like that --- his advise was to not break the law and stay out of his jail. Wonderful man --- we miss him now with the gangs coming in .... ANYWAY ....

Terrorists --- real terrorists who would kill anyone who didn't believe as they believe and see NO innocent children or non-combatants in the world around them, to my mind have given up their rights. Whatever 'rights' they may have once possessed (which in all honesty are probably few).

Now --- here they are --- safely housed in Gitmo, with three square meals a day --- water, a place to pray --- clean clothes --- people watching every move that is made toward or around them bickering about prison rights --- They were living in caves and in the desert before they were captured, never knowing what was going to happen next. *sheesh* doesn't sound so awful to me. Wonder how they would have treated any war prisoners they might have captured???? Not so good I imagine.

I want them locked up --- had our government been locking them away during the softsoaping-billyboy years we probably wouldn't be in the spot we're in now. Thank goodness we have someone who cares about more than interns and cigars in charge for awhile ....

I want my government to keep me safe --- spy on me --- make sure that no terrorists are calling my house --- it's one of the reasons I pay taxes.

and the rest is politics --- lord love 'em all!!!!


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