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Let's rephrase :Not "everyone hates Bush and his policies" ...

Posted by angela (from DC) on 2/16/2006, 18:49:21, in reply to "Not "
is vocal or liberal. I enjoy a sprited debate but misinformation doesn't do anyone anygood. Some of the earliest and most vocal critics of the Patriot Act and Patriot Act pat deux and domestic spying on US citizens are southern congressman and senators whose constituants are tobbacco chewing, gun toting, white pointed hat wearing when the occasion permits, good ole boys. Liberal , not even close. I always ask why wasn't patriot act like laws enacted after Tomithy Mc Vey and the Okla City bombing?? HMMM??? Lets see a lot of skinny moderately educated white guys driving trucks, owning guns with access to fertilzer being held "incummunicado" for years in a undisclosed prison, might have ruffled a few feathers ya think?


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