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So yesterday I heard a thought provoking item on the radio...

Posted by Andrea on 12/13/2005, 14:00:33
Our local drive home radio personalities are two brothers who disagree about a lot :)

But one asked this question yesterday...If we KNOW the point of terrorists is to instill FEAR in the populace, then can the news media counter that by reporting INCORRECT DATA so that the country is NOT afraid?

I mean I think most of us agree that it would be nice if the media would quit speculating on whether something COULD BE a terrorist attack. This goes further than that. Could we manipulate the terrorists by NOT REPORTING an event as being terrorist related.

Story given...An explosion in an oil refinery is created by a terrorist bombing. If the truth were reported that terrorists caused it, how would that make the populace safer? If instead the news floats a story that it was a faulty valve, the people who work inlike industries (the people truly in harm's way) would be on heightened alert. Then the workers would be more vigilant anyway and the people who are not affected will not be rushed into a frenzy of paranoia.

What was really strange is that the majority of the callers who weighed in had NO PROBLEM with there being lies about it. They figure it is a way to combat terrorism, and should be used as a tactic.

Wow. The implications are amazing. I mean are we willing to give up freedom for safety? Are we really even getting free press anyway and how safe does it make us to know one way or the other? And is the media really giving us facts and information now if they are always wildly speculating and manipulating information for the bisggest sell anyway?

It's not whether we think it WILL be done, but rather if we think it would be a valuable tool against terror, and whether we would be upset if we found out the media lied to NOT create a panic situation.

Just food for thought :)


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