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Terrorists are already having trouble recruiting suicide bombers...

Posted by Andrea on 12/13/2005, 22:39:00, in reply to "I don't think it will work..."
Recently Al-Zawahiri released a tape about how there are less recruits who are willing to die for the cause.

The grander scale requires more secrets and more equipment to acquire while completely staying under the radar. Could 9/11 have happened without suicide bombers?

Suicide bombs are the easist way to deliver a bomb I believe. And if they are having trouble NOW with recruits, what more can we do to make that decision less palatable? A while ago Tom made the assertion that over time terrorists would have trouble recruiting these suicide bombers. And the Al-Zawahiri tape reported on yesterday shows he may be right.

Personally I don't think it would work either, simply because I think there are people out there who will attribute anything to terrorists and fear things anyway. But if our resolve to live on is stronger than theirs to die for a lost cause then we will win, right?

Doesn't anyone else wonder why we don't have bombing on buses or malls now like they do now in Israel? Why Israel and not America if we are the Great Satan?


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