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Re: when it IS happening--and you know it is happening--warn us

Posted by Chris (FL) on 11/8/2005, 22:42:00, in reply to "it can't"
Ok, I concur that we have definitely been warned ad nauseum and unnecessarily - but would you explain what you mean by "warn us when it IS happening"?

becasue I would say (over-reacting aside) that is simply too late to prepare those numbers of the populus for whatever- whether it be hurricane preparations or feeding 500 ppl on a plane- I would say that 1/3 are listening and responding, 1/3 are paying attention but not responding or cooperating and 1/3 figure they'll pay attention later-

so what is it that you meant we could be ready for, to be warned when it IS happening -
or is your point that since nothing is happening, there is nothing to be ready for?
or did I misunderstand again?


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