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Hey Tracey! ITA, that's why I was asking

Posted by Chris (FL) on 11/9/2005, 14:03:07, in reply to "I'm glad you brought this up, Chris"
Tom what he meant by "when it IS happening" - and what did he mean by "IT"? - and if he's speaking in terms of an attack-
my thinking is "when it IS happening" - what I am to do about it then really?
or was his point, "don't even worry about -this will most likely not be an occurrance in your life?

but yep, my question stemmed from the "preparedness issue" for sure -
I just wondered is he speaking to something I could have been prepared for?
that was my reason for trying to understand more specifically the "it".

And yes, I think the over the top warnings, are that reason some don't prepare for whatever the "it" is - the mentality being "oh, they have been warning us about that for forever and nothing has happened before"

but having spent time living in Southern Cal and South Fl - I would argue that in the aftermath many disaster events,...life is affected in direct proportion to one's "preparedness" -

though I'm with you, I'm not going to spend my time living in fear, - but eg., when they say to prepare for a hurricane - I have a dozen gallons of water and other supplies - which simply meant, I didn't have to stand in a 4 hour line for water in 85 degrees the day after the storm, as others did - (I have been unprepared in the past and it was NFF)

and someone pointed out that we have disaster relief programs - but I think we must accept some personal responsibility (as Aly or someone mentioned) to do what we can to be ready, if we have been so advised -(and because there are those not able to do anything at all get ready either) so those who can, must -
because simple reality is, even in the most sedulous relief efforts ... everyone cannot be helped all at one time.

and every program takes some time to be set in motion - so the larger the number of people in need, the longer the road to a smooth organized assitance and aid effort.


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