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Now what the heck???

Posted by Andrea on 10/20/2005, 11:33:13, in reply to "just start hurling the stones now"
I AM NOT FLANDERS! Hiddleyho there Erika!

Woman you have HEARD me speak :) I am not the board police! Swearing doens't bother me any! But I had to laugh that it was brought out as a rule when there are so many other places that are much more appropriate :)

And in response to your premise... what makes anything honorable? Doing something where you put your life on the line? Then where is the oodles of respect for firefighters and police? Police especially are dishonored regularly.

Or is it doing a thankless job for piddlysquat...We can list the thousands of jobs out there that do the same. How about people who can make hundreds of thousands in industry but choose to make MUCH less teaching children?

In all I think, LIKE EVERYTHING, it's in the eyes of the beholder! The person getting pulled over for drunk driving doesn't think that person with a gun is worth a damn (language police caught me yet?) and the kid with the F sure as heck wishes the teacher would go back to Glaxo/Smith/Kline.

Ah there you have it, Andrea's soap box for the day....Thank you Erika for letting me borrow yours for a few :)


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