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I skim or toss. Question about Outlander.

Posted by Rose C.P. on 10/6/2005, 13:53:37, in reply to "Stop or skim (spoilers for ABOSAA)"
I really hate a badly written book or a stupid book . I don't force myself to finish books anymore. Although I must say I have been pleasantly surprised by some books I have forced myself to finish. The Brothers Karamotzov being one. I swear that Doystovsky was insane when he wrote that.

OK so you Outlander fans. I have been putting off not reading this book for years because a lot can happen to a H/H in 1000 plus pages. I hate the books where the H/H get together and are dragged apart 20 times before the end just as a plot ruse. So is this book really as good as you are all saying and I won't want to slap someone around by the end? Thanks Rose


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