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As always I'll disagree :)

Posted by Andrea on 9/26/2005, 21:28:16, in reply to "Education Question"
I will start by saying I have experience teaching high school English and Science. With elementary school I only have experience as a student and parent.

So really my answers here are limited to high school skills tests required for graduation in my state (Texas). The test is called Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills and a while ago it was called the Minimum Skills test. Frankly, I like that name better and this is why.

I am NOT addressing Math as I have not taught this and have little experience with the process. HOWEVER, I DO believe we should have standardized tests that measure standard knowledge about the English language and writing skills. These should be minimum based tests. Why are students in school anyway? To prepare themselves as active participants in the society and in the workforce right? Tests should be used to measure the minimal skills necessary to be productive citizens.

I see it as this. Workers will have trouble following directions and written data or memorandum if their reading comprehension skills are not up to par. In Texas we teach identifying main idea, recalling facts, acknowledging propaganda and bias, interpreting graphics, and various other ESSENTIAL TOOLS REQUIRED to be a member of the work force. How can one show they have reading comprehension if they never read it. I understand many people are read to for these tests, will they do that for the rest of their lives (barring blindness of course)? How will they be productive cogs in the machine if everyone has to stop so Tina can read Timmy the work order?

I agree wholeheartedly that inputting information should be taught to the best means of the individual student. That is another whole can of worms that hasn't been opened and I really don't want to start addressing now, but it doesn't matter how the information was first encoded into the brain the VAST MAJORITY of the country wants it in two forms...understandable correct oral or written grammar, which is and should also be an Essential skill tested.

Now since our society is geared toward visual input of information, why are we accommodating children when perhaps a greater service to them will be to teach them how to deal with a world that will NOT accommodate them?

Again, I have to say my experience is with children who in a few years will be out on their own. So I was looking at them more as potential adults and citizens and told them frankly, the world will not stop for you, you need to learn to adapt.

Look at this bulletin board. Who here had someone read it to them? Who here has to reread or use various strategies to follow and understand what is being said? And who here has trouble reading posts that have awful grammar and terrible spellings??? Life is not fair; it sucks, but it's true. At what point do we stop saying we'll change life for you and say let's help you change for life?

And as a last note...I believe the tests should be unlimited in time as it is here in Texas. This isn't a speed thing; it's a knowledge thing.


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