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One giant leap for Brenda....

Posted by Lisa on 9/24/2005, 17:03:39, in reply to "Okay, bottom Line Question/why is noone Questioning this?"
Although I get your point it's not the same thing. The Department of Homeland security was created after bills passed through congress in Nov 2002. We had 527 of our elected officials vote on that and we weren't in "a state of emergency"

Now, if you want to discuss rights vs laws that's a very broad and very subjective subject. The nature of government requires law to avoid chaos,in a democracy you "RULE BY LAW" at point do those laws become infringements?

For instance..How can a city issue a mandatory evacuation? What right do they have to make citizens leave? Say you choose to stay why would you expect the government to rescue you? What right do you have to expect that?


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.