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Tom, one more thought

Posted by Hunkyjoesgirl on 9/1/2005, 22:12:31
occurred to me after I posted under your "return to civilian life" (thought it might scroll off before you read this) as I was contemplating the adrenalin aspect ........and also after someone mentioned this is a common occurence for SEALs... (is that the case?)

could it perhaps be that your work (and life) was so intense during the course of your career and you guys were always revved up on adrenalin??? I'm mean how long of a time period are we talkin' here, significant time right? a decade? Longer?

I just wondered, maybe it's about trying to learn to live without the huge adrenalin highs?

I just would think the brain chemicals would take it big hit from no more adrenalin rushes.
Sorry, I'm not trying to "shrink rap" you to death....I'm simply distressed on your behalf ;)


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