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Re: I tell you what...

Posted by Alba on 12/8/2005, 14:57:47, in reply to "I tell you what..."
What is comes down to is what's newsworthy. Lieberman has been in favor of the Iraq war from the beginning and has consistently stood by the position. So him saying, yet again, that he supports the administration on this is not big news. Dog bites man.

But for Murtha, a hawkish conservative Democrat who is a decorated Vietnam combat veteran and was a colonel (?) in the military, who voted in support of the Iraq war, is a big backer of the military over his three-plus decades in Congress and is generally viewed to be speaking what they cannot say, comes out and says he was wrong to vote for the war and we need to get out in the next six months? That's news. That's man bites dog, and it's going to get a lot of coverage.

As for Lieberman, when he did speak up when the rest of his party wouldn't -- and when they were in power in Washington, which I think is an important point -- in saying on the Senate floor during the whole Lewinsky affair that Clinton needed to come clean, admit the truth and apologize, I remember him getting a heck of a lot of attention and praise from the "mainstream media."


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