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Re: Some thoughts...

Posted by Tracy Y on 12/6/2005, 9:32:48, in reply to "Re: Some thoughts..."
What makes the economy more resisitant? There is absolutely NO WAY the economy couldn't have been effected by 9/11. Even if people hadn't feared. Huge amounts of money were lost because of the time that was lost in the market. Companies that were on the edge of staying in business folded. Numerous others lost extreme amounts of money. I think the reason we're resilient economically is because we DON'T fear that we are going to become an impoverished nation. Education and courage are not going to make us more resistant economically.

An economic attack is only going to damage, NOT destroy. They know that. History has proven it.

What makes something resistant? It's not a defense against something unknown. It's a familiarity with it.

What exactly do you think that education and courage would involve?

And I would beg a couple other questions - how is our response to attacks, threats and extremes going to allow them a victory? What exactly do they have the POWER to do?

And lastly, just because I have a will and determination and a commitment to do it, doesn't mean I can successfully pee my name in the snow. Some things will just never happen. Now I might be able to make a mess of it, and actually be considered partly successful. But I will never be able to fully succeed.


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