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There is a reson Vegas uses random variables in slot machines...

Posted by Andrea on 12/5/2005, 22:21:21, in reply to "No matter what..."
It's to keep people doing the same thing over and over hoping for that ONE outcome that will shift everything into focus.

Personally I think the disservice in America is that we are NOT dealing with terrorist bombs daily. We don't see the aftermath and just live on as we do with car accidents. We just drive by multi car pile-ups without a thought of the fact that statistically that could be us. And if we are driving up on them, it may have just been that toddler who was fighting to get in the car that saved you because you weren't in that place at that time.

And still we get in the car and drive to the mall.

So for me, I think the discussions should be MORE forthcoming simply to show the ridiculousness of the whole thing. The worry over insignificant things we have no control over anyway.

Ok...soapbox anyone? It's over here :)


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