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I agree, but

Posted by Tracy Y on 11/9/2005, 9:29:34, in reply to "The reality is......"
I see a steady decline in what's acceptable. Even though there have been difficulties in the past, I think society as a whole has moved away from values. And I think it's the little things. I think it's because we're moving so fast now, that we don't take the time to strengthen the family and be there for our kids, to teach them what's right and wrong. I think it has become acceptable to lie. People do it all the time, and teach their kids how to do it, just by example. And while that is only one issue, it permeates. There are several issues.

I'm not saying there weren't morality issues in the past. I'm saying that we have much bigger moral and ethical issues now. I think it's too easy to succeed in doing something wrong. Security exists because there ARE people trying to breach it. So why not attack security from the standpoint of "let's work on society so that we decrease the number of people who WANT to breach security."

I think that times HAVE changed. How could they not? We're growing in ways that we never have before. And that's really great! But we aren't growing in all the areas that we need to.


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