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Tom or anyone who happened to see the History chanel story..

Posted by Brenda/q on 11/18/2005, 23:01:13
about the POW's being rescued...HOO YAH!! Tom, I don't know if you saw it...but two of those Rangers did the "walking up to the door and knocking bit" they put on Phillipino soldiers uniforms and walked within 200ft of the camp to get intel:)...BRASS ONES FER SURE!!!!

But my Q is..the narrator was talking about Indoctrination of the prisoners to the Japenese telling them over and over that something "bad" would happen to them if they left the camp....And when the raid was happening the Americans had to convience the prisoners to leave....did you ever see this happen?

This story amazes me:)...they had nothing to work with/got shafted by FDR and still went in there and kicked @ss and only two fatalities...brilliant!

And does anyone have an opinon on my boy Murtha (Congressman from PA) and him wanting/and stating quit sternly that he wants Bush to get out of the war. He also said if they didn't give a guy a Purple Heart for being wounded (blinded and lost both hands) by Friendly fire...that he would give the guy one of his...They gave the guy his Purple Heart...HOO YAH!!!


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