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Halloween is coming---the Tail of the Melted Bunny

Posted by tom on 10/23/2005, 17:09:55, in reply to "update - my adopted soldier and the cookies"
Yes, I meant tail---its called a, ah, umm something. So, it is Easter 2001 and America is at war. LCDR Rancich once again stands fearlessly between the peace loving people of the world and the hordes of WMD wielding Iraqi's. Every breath might be his last, yet he struggles on, his arch nemesis for from his mind. But he was not far from his arch nemisis's mind, and the Easter bunny plotted and conspired and came up with the perfect revenge (Note, there was no need for revenge as the LCDR never did anything to or against the Easter Bunny--it was pure paranoia--well, okay, so maybe a carrot stick had been dunked in epecak syrup, but there was no proof) Following a hard day sitting in the air conditioned tent looking at a computer--err, rather, slogging through the bloody sand, Rancich recieves a "care package" from the "Easter Bunny" (painfully, that part is true--Mom signed the return address Easter Bunny---people notice that type of thing) as Rancich begins to open the package is that a heart beat--louder and quicker as the package opens--louder and quicker as the unsuspecting officer digs into his package (actually not unsuspecting---Mom has embarressed him before)(oh and the heart beat is his)AHHHHHH, the revenge is complete--the Easter care package--a pair of sunglasses and a chocolate rabbit---that sat on the terimac in Kuwait for a week---unariconditioned---the hideousness haunts me to this day-----

Tom's bunny
Good job Kerrit, by the way. Those packages are really appreciated--a thick piece of bread with some added water helps cookies stay soft by the way)


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