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You two are scaring me....

Posted by Brenda/qmih on 10/17/2005, 13:38:34, in reply to "Re: Is a murder hole the same as a "
I thought it was just a narrow slit in the wall....now you two are talking about offing people with boiling rabbits or something....talk about eerchccchhh:)
(and Tom, I know you said no typos/edits etc....BUT, this one is driving me crazy(ier;)Chapter 4 seventeen lines down..."whose" should be "Who is" or "who's"....sorry sorry sorry, ducking and running now.........hurry legs hurry!!!
Janet have you ever been to Blarney Castle? I found it extreme weird....not only because of the whole kiss the stone thing...but there was only a thin railing around the top...now the castle is built from stone, Right? And it rains, ALOT, in Ireland..........so I am standing there in a driving rain and contemplating my immediate (and may I say nasty) plunge off the side of the castle to my almost certain demise.....rain/slippery stone...not a good combo....so I turn and look at my friend John and said "if this were America, someone would have sued them already, for the stone/rain/thin rail combo." I could just see it happening in America...someone would slip and fall through there....land 5 stories down and all h*ll would break loose....
and the other neat thing was the room sizes....very small...for some reason..(movies/Hollywood?) I thought the rooms would be huge.....they really weren't. Maybe 8' by 8' if that big........the main Hall was the length of the building, but very narrow.....and When I was in Bunratty...(it is restored) the Great Hall was HUGE....and the stairways were built backwards..(and EXTREMELY NARROW)..Apparently alot of the fighters who lived at Bunratty were left handed (or were taught to fight left-handed) so that if the enemy breached the gate...they(the enemy) would be fighting with their swords in their right hands (HOPEFULLY:) and going up the stairs the wrong way (for them)which would make it more difficult to fight. Pretty cool, huh?

you guys make me wonder what other nefarious and devious things they thought to build into the castles......GOOGLE....hho yah!


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