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Question # 4

Posted by Kristy on 10/11/2005, 15:21:19, in reply to "third and fourth questions"
Better question under what conditions were Japanese-Americans held under as compared to German-Americans or German-POW's?? Ok, your question. German-POW's were held here in Arkansas. Read 'Summer of My German Soldier'. The German-POW's were treated better than the African-American soldiers were in their own country. German-POW's worked on farms as "white men" and for the most part the hard back breaking work was still done by African-Americans. The German-POW's were allowed to go into town on Saturdays in the back of pick up trucks in groups and go to movies and the soda fountains etc. German-POW's were actually treated better than American citizens because they were white. Sorry, but you have to address the question of race to answer this question honestly.


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