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Tom answers to your questions

Posted by lisa A on 10/11/2005, 11:13:22, in reply to "third and fourth questions"
what does one have to have done to be sent to Gitmo as a prisoner?

I would hope that to be sent there you are truly an enemy combatant but we know that is not always the case.So then how to you find out who is and who isn't , is that possible without a trial or a tribunal? On top of that you hear stories that Saudis, and Pakistanis who may have been enemy combatants were ransomed back to their families by Northern Alliance leaders and you wonder if the most dangerous enemies are still out there? Tom any credibility to that ransom theory?

What are the feelings of that person family? Frustrated for sure and anger and resentment at the people who are doing this to my husband, son, father, brother without any contact from family. Especially if I think they were just in the wrong place a the wrong time or if the local leader didn't like them. But now that you answered that many disappear after being repatriated than maybe I want them held longer.

why are the held in GITMO? So if these dangerous enemy combatants escaped they would have nowhere to go.So it would be harder to try to break them out , blow up the place etc.
So we as the American Public feel safer . Symbolic maybe.

In WWII with a genocide going on, where and in what conditions were German POWs of the US held?

The United States was holding more than 400,000 prisoners in 511 camps across the country and the U.S. strictly followed the rules of the Geneva Convention. This reminded me that lots of US held prisoners worked in the community. But not all solider's in the German army wanted to fight for Hitler. If they truly are enemy combatants in Gitmo isn't it by their choice

if they are enemy combatants I have no problem with Gitmo.

Having answered those questions I have more questions.

Tom you once asked why hold them ? So if we didn't assuming they all don't disappear when repatriated ,as a solider what is your outlook on possibly facing them again ? and is that a unique opinion, or did most the professionals feel the same? Also any concerns that they would attempt terrorism on our soil if they are truly an enemy combatant?


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