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I beg to differ

Posted by Tracy Y on 10/6/2005, 19:46:28, in reply to "Re: Illegal Immigrants."
There are a lot of people really wanting to get into our country legally, but they have been unable to do so, no matter how hard they try.

Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone who has been beaten down by life and circumstances, who wants nothing more than to live a quiet life, making minimum wage and sending most of it back to relatives across the borders?

Have you ever thought about your part in this world? How can you possibly forget that we are all members of the human race, all sisters and brothers in one big world family? To believe otherwise, would be stating that someone else is less of a person and doesn't deserve the same human rights we enjoy.

I repeat, I'm not saying that we should open up our borders indiscriminately, but we need to be realistic.

Are you suggesting that all of our problems would be solved by pointing the finger elsewhere? I think Tom said it extremely well and it would behoove us to listen to him in this instance:

"Interesting spin this thread took--the point of my draft age was not to pass the dying and getting maimed off on immigrants, it was to make the people who are responsible for the decision to go to war to have to go to war--or even better, their kids"

Let's take responsibility where we should!


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