A candidate is someone in Officer Candidate School. A "wannabe" "Pollywog" or plain old BUDS student is someone in the pipeline to SEALdom A white shirt is a pre-hellweek BUDS student, a green shirt is a post-hellweek BUDS Student. As a BUDS student you basically work from about 0530 to 1600, Monday-Friday. So there is time in the evenings and weekends to help each other out. And actually, you spend a lot of eveinins getting squared away for the next day. But you generally help people out if you can and the instructors make themselves available. When I was going through the pre-conditioning phase could be as long as 8 weeks, so a lot of time was available for fixing deficincies. I generally helped however needed it with out prejudice. If someone displayed obvious weakness I wouldn't help them hide it--help them through maybe--the only exception was my class leading Petty Officer in 183 who was a terribly weak leader. It was about week 3 and I heard that he was thinking of quitting and didn't try and talk him out of it--just took the class to the grinder and reported him absent.
Boat crews are done by height with officers evenly devided amongst the crews