As the semester progresses, we start talking and develope a friendship. He knows I'm going through a divorce, he is dating someone else. We start talking about his GF and all the changes she wants him to make in his personality after they get married. I'm like WAIT. It doesn't work that way. Run from her now. (we from that time forward referred to her as Psycho Woman)
Fast forward to the end of the semester. He finally askes me out. When he comes to my house I tell him we have to have a discussion about our ages. Up to that time we had never discussed it. I was in my mid thirties and was praying he is at least legal drinking age. He was - just barely - whew! We dated/lived together for 2 years and have been married for 15 years.
Thanks for asking. That was fun.
PS: The big attitude was all a facade. He's really a very sweet and saves the attitude for the contractors in his department who think they know more than anyone else. He's pretty brutal at putting them in their place.