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Number of children finishing highschool, ignore the marks

Posted by Sheri on 9/26/2005, 19:24:24, in reply to "Education Question"
Were they able to complete the schooling with or without modification of programming. All students with learning disabilities that allow them to learn with modifications to the teaching method... should always be able to complete high school. So, include them in with those that didn't require modification, take out the spec ed's that unfortunately will be unable to complete the schooling... and what was your completion rate.

Under the Ont Ed Act that is mandatory. In reality it is a PITA to get done. And my #1 b*tch. Luckily I am managing to get the system to do what I want done without actually dealing with the principal or vice at this time.

Once Greg's appt for a high functioning ASD is completed in Jan....the fun will begin.

It'll be even more fun when Russ starts (Gr 1 or SK if he really does well with IBI) with full EA (Ed assist), full IPRC and IEP (Indiv. Placement Review committee report), and a principal that so far doesn't really want him. But.... he qualifies for all the supports (PDD Team, Behavioural, OT, SLP, EA) and I know the rules and have the Spec Ed school board employees phone # for my area and email address and advocacy. She may not like it, but she'll learn to live with it.

Oops, I've previewed it enough I forgot the initial question. Hope I answered it in the first paragraph :)



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