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Tom - Up bright and early doing calisthenics? Care to field a question on physical fitness?

Posted by kerrit on 9/22/2005, 9:48:10
Many many posts ago, in discussing physical disabilities, IIRC you mentioned that, even with all the various and sundry injuries you sport from time on the teams, you can still out-PT anyone, and carry all the groceries to the house in one trip. (Me, I have my boys do it!)

Is there an exercise regimen that you stick to, mayhap a leftover from all that rigorous Naval training? Are you into some serious physical therapy? Hubby has deterioration in L4&L5 and swims 3 times/week to keep back muscles in good working order. No large ‘swimmable on a daily basis’ body of water nearby (Lake Winnebago freezes in winter…) so he does laps at the local aquatic center. We also walk several miles every AM, more on the weekends. Can’t lift weights, I think I did something to my rotator cuff a while back, but I’m too chicken to go and have it looked at. Not painful until I start abusing it. Bursitis in hip, and bad knees make running out of the question. So we walk.

You? Walk? Run? Swim? Bike? Lift weights? All of the above? :) Can't count that occasional elbow bending...


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