Is it something that generally happens at certain time intervals, or after certain accomplishments? For officers it is time intervals and for enlisted it is time intervals + performance on advancement exams.
Also when you left, did you have to request permission to leave? No, I was actually forced out at high year tenure. But if that was not the case, you must request to be released from active duty.
2.Do you have any idea what the SEAL reputation is with the bad guys ? Not really. I know that they see the Green berets more frquently, so are probably a little comfortable in that they know the MO. Do you know if they think US SOF or do you think they differentiate? I don't think the differentiate between SOF, but they do between SOF and conventional. One of the reasons for beards was to let people know that little patrol was packing a whollop.
3. Are joint SOF operations more difficult than a SEAL operation? Just about every OP is a JOINT OP--on the ground they are not complicated. Everyone knows and does there job. It gets tricky at the Operational level of war due to constrained assets--who gets the helo's being the biggest factor. Who gets to be in charge? Whoever it makes sense. It is really pretty seamless--one day I would be in charge the next day my Green Beret counter part would be. We are all working for the same boss--the JSOTF--I never had a problem.