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Rant on Time space continuum, Navy SEALs and myths

Posted by Laura T on 9/6/2005, 19:20:16
OK, somebody spill the beans. How do you all do the housework, the yardwork, spend quality time with your kids, work and make your husbands happy? I can't find enough hours in the day to get it all done and give everyone the attention they need, dogs included. So I figure there must be a way to manipulate the time space continuum and I need to know how. An alternative would be for a SEAL to come show me how to do it all. Of course the SEAL wouldn't have to give my husband "Attention" or be awakened by that special alarm ;-) My other guess is that the whole "doing it all" thing is just a myth. I feel bad for whining when I only work part time and have a nice house. But, darn it, I'm no quitter. It's 4:00pm and I've had 2 parent/teacher conferences, volunteered 2 hours, worked 3 hours subbing in special ed, had lunch w/dh, dealt with e-mail and phone messages and I'm standing in the kitchen writing before I get dinner cooked and head to a volleyball game. Later will be a ritual tv show w/my son, and dh, checking homework, medicines twice for one daughter, putting girls to bed, dishes, and 2-3 loads of laundry. Somebody tell me your secret quick!


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