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Tom, I keep thinking of other stuff I just must know...

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/2/2005, 20:49:02, in reply to "Tom, ready to come out and play? And today's Q&A...drum roll please:)"
5) in one of Suz's books she writes about a cargo net that you let go of /drop three thousand feet/ then grab on the way down...what is that called? And is there a big cushy mat at the bottom? 'Cause that sounds fun, but I wouldn't want to try it and go SPLAT at the bottom....

6) the same scence, the guys have the heroine dress up in a Jumpsuit/boots that they brought with them...so they can "rescue" her...did (do) you guys have to do that? and since you said it is bad form to acutally leave the hostage there:)...have you ever had anyone give you a hard time/or not be conscience or whatever when you went in to get them out? What did/or would you have to do if that actually happened....I am assuming that the best scenerio is to go in quite and back out quite...what happens when/if a hostage freaks....I would think that anyone who was a hostage would be in fight/flight mode and be really anxious no matter what/or who is there to get them out, true? Which could lead to some major complications...YIKES


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