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Re: TY everyone! Great ideas

Posted by Jen D on 2/24/2006, 19:51:43, in reply to "TY everyone! Great ideas "
A favourite story of mine - a young woman I worked with, very bright, told me this story. She came to our company for her second job after graduating university. At her welcome lunch, she was the first to order, and got a Gin & Tonic to drink. At her first job, this had been standard and she'd been given the impression by coworkers who had worked other places that it was normal everywhere. Well, it's not at the company where I work! So after everyone else ordered iced tea and diet Coke, she was mortified and realized her faux pas. She explained a little later when she was more comfortable with her team and they all had a good laugh with her.

Apart from that tale of caution, I would say policies about behaviour, the way employees communicate with each other and external clients/suppliers, etc. are very important to make clear the first day. Much more important than where the best vending machines are and how to work the fax. Impressions are easy to make and hard to undo, and that person now represents your company and your team, so it's best they know what you expect in terms of tone and behaviour.

Buddies, which was a great suggestion from someone else, should also make sure they refrain from imparting any of the office gossip the first week - come on, is that what you want to teach them about what goes on? They're adults and can form their own impressions of people. Warnings about the faucet that sprays in the bathroom, however, will probably be appreciated :)

Job shadowing for a few days can also help add relevance to formal classroom training. Sometimes how to use software is hard to learn until the context is clear, and practical experience or observation is the best way to gain that.


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.