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Since you brought this up here

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/22/2006, 10:57:38, in reply to "Ouch!! This question hurts my brain"
And it's easier than finding a place to post below.....

Just some thoughts - since we are a "how fast and how much can you please me" society, we mainly import WANTS from China. Since China is a "what do we have to do to take care of our country" society, they mainly import NEEDS from the U.S.

We are not prepared as individuals to meed our NEEDS in an emergency. We focus on WANTS because in everyday life, our needs are met. And we're SO focused on our wants, that we have given China a STUPID power. Simply put, their power lies in our wants, not needs, and we, as a people, don't even see it.


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.