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OHOH OH...raising my hand teach...

Posted by Brenda on 2/21/2006, 14:03:47, in reply to "Much ado about nothing"
that is one of the falicies about the inspection system--when someone says 95% of containers are uninspected, they are wrong--what they mean to say is that 95% of containers are not inspected by uniformed officials of the US Government---close to 100% of containers are inspect by the shipping agents the shippers the

So, someone actually PHYSICALLY inspects the containers?....
not just looks at an Invoice and says
"oh, okay in this container we have 3 billion pink haired Kewpie dolls from China"
and they leave it at that. They actually LOOK in the containers????
Dude, I find this hard to believe??? How would this even be possible?


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