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What Tom meant?

Posted by Alba on 2/17/2006, 0:05:58, in reply to "Um Tom...."
I think what Tom was trying to point out in his own "special" way was the only bit of logic theory I remember from high school -- the fallacy of "post hoc ergo proper hoc." Meaning just because one thing follows another doesn't mean that the one thing was caused by the other.

Therefore, just because no sabotage occurred while Japanese-Americans were interned doesn't mean that was the reason for it. Similarly, just because we haven't had an attack in the U.S. since 9/11 doesn't mean it's because of policies put in place by the administration such as holding detainees in Guantanamo or listening in on phone conversations.

And just because no elephants attacked, doesn't mean it was because Tom put out "anti-elephant capsules." -- Although in that particular case, maybe it was true... ;)


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