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Usually rescuing Tom....you'd think he would be able to take care of himself better...

Posted by Brenda on 2/14/2006, 21:18:02, in reply to "What exactly will we be doing on these scary missions of yours?"
but NO....I always have to have everyone go wheels up and go rescue him...it's just my civic duty you know!....

for some reason these ops go FUBAR very fast...and Tom usually runs away crying and screaming like a 4 year old Ghetto Diva who has lost her Dorothy shoes...It's very tragic...sad even...Crying Into Tissue
shaking my head sadly...you would think a man who could get through BUD/s wouldn't be able to make that kind of noise...I just don't understand....then he starts whimpering when he sees Chuckie Norris, and we have to get him loaded into the Hummer real fast like....just to preserve his male dignity, you understand!!!!


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