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Don't worry Brenda.... I'm the queen of messed up grammar...

Posted by Sheri on 2/10/2006, 8:43:34, in reply to ":)...goning to take this as a serious question...."
I also mess up time and words when I talk - yet when I'm thinking about it, it's correct. Ed just shakes his head. Also, I know exactly where my kids got the ASD's from. I suspect if ever tested I have Aspergers or NVLD - my bro too. Dad probably as well, he has trouble pronouncing some words - and he's got an eng'r diploma in Metalurgy.

Ed well.... Greg inherited the "Hatch determination" from him. His Grandmother's definition for the moody, react before putting brain in gear, trait that seems to pass through this family. Not all have it but you can see who does. I always say "Like Great-grandfather, like grandfather, like father (ed), like son (greg)- someone HELP ME!!!!"

Did you know that 50% of all children with an ASD have 1 parent with an engineering degree?? One of our Dr's told us that. The eng'r degree is mine.

So, you'll find I don't worry about other people's mistakes. I've learned to translate my own and can usually muddle through someone elses :) Even on the computer it's not that much different than reading someone handwriting... you just get use to it.

I enjoy our emails and your pictures.

We're coming to visit... pick a day.. How about sometime in March. Just not the 3rd weekend of the mth.



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