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more archives uncovered

Posted by McDonna on 2/3/2006, 7:09:22
hehe while cleaning up some files I stumbled onto an archaelogist's dream ... some clippings I had grabbed on Sept 1, back before PS Mitchell and I started "formally" archiving the Tom-isms

so I posted them on http://mcdonnas.dev/tom/board-050901.php ... topics include call signs, Grand Omnipotent Stomper (GOS), Magnum, Bronze Star, E&E, leaving hostages behind, parachutes, underwear, blood chits, ziplocs, Tridents, helicopter crash, more

also added a few more "other Tom links" to the page at http://www.mcdonnas.com/tom/ and fixed it so that Janet W (OOPS she is supposed to be anonymous!) can update all the links on the page -- knowing Janet just a bit I'm guessing we will see some more useful links appearing there :)

I'm heading out of town for a "writers' retreat" tomorrow (Fri) afternoon, returning Sunday evening, probably won't be on the board during that time though I'm hoping to check email at least once or twice. Have fun, y'all!


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