so I am watching one of those shows about where to bury the body so you never get caught...WHAT????
only, this one is about the EDU...and they are setting off a bomb with a robotic thingie ma jig...and I am looking at the bomb...WHAT??? and all the wires are different I says to myself, yes I do....I says...."HHMMM, if I were the bomb builder I would make all the wires one color" I ask you is that brilliant TOSB or what??????
And my serious do the bomb builders make the wires different colors????
Who REALLY , REALLY doesn't plan on BIP'ing ANYTHING...although, I did start a small fire in the kitchen a little bit ago...sigh...can I borrow your HULLIGAN (spelled that way to get Aly's BP UP...mrah hahah) tool?
.....OH, and it WASN'T because I was cooking. It was because of the Gardenia Grunt Mary (Wyatt) sent me....:)Apparently I can make anything self destruct>