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Military Humor

Posted by Tilla/Ocotilla on 1/20/2006, 12:06:57
A General died and went to Heaven. At the pearly gates he was
met by St. Peter. He told St. Peter right away, "If there are
Special Forces Soldiers in Heaven, I don't want to go in because
I hate SF." St. Peter said, "Don't worry about it because no
Special Forces made it to Heaven." So the General went on into
Heaven and began looking at all the wonderful sights, when all
of a sudden he spotted something that he just couldn't believe.
There before his eyes was a 6' 5" 275 lb. muscle-bound specimen
of manhood wearing a Green Beret. Not only that, this guy had a
4 day growth of beard, scuffed up jungle boots, big, fat cigar
in his mouth, an M-60 in one hand, a Claymore in the other,
bandoleers of ammo across his chest and numerous hand-grenades
hung all over him. The General called over St. Peter and said,
"I thought you said there weren't any of them Special Forces guys in Heaven...there's one right over there." St. Peter looked where the General was pointing and said, "That's God, he's not Special Forces qualified, he just likes to pretend he is."


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