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I have been on a few staffs

Posted by tom on 12/22/2005, 18:46:04, in reply to "Tom.... question please ... You said you wouldn't want a staff postion"
some good some bad--but my comments were specific to what would make me consider going back in--and that would be to lead combat troops---not be on a staff. The number of stars on the boss has a direct correlation to the amount of bureauacracy--which is unfortunate because they have the greatest power to wield. So, I miss spoke when I said I had only met a few I respected--I respected many Flag Officers--but I only Admired a hand full--and I admired them because given the enormus amount of BS thrown their way and pressure to follow the party line, they stuck to what they believed and actually put mission first and while not forgetting people carried those missions out. Staffs are, by design, ineffecient. The problem in todays world is that that inefficiency can be imposed on the operating force due to our incredible communications capability. When Admiral Halsey got orders to in WWII they were "Go west, meet the enemy and defeat him"---from there on it was his fight not the Pacific Fleet Commander or the Pentagon--Now, the battle group reports directly the Fleet COmmander at least daily who in turn reports to the Chairman---they in turn, inflict their view of the world--always incorrect --on the Battle group commander---

I like being in the fight--not preparing briefs


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