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Oooo, I LOVE Christmas crackers!

Posted by suzieb on 12/20/2005, 18:48:00, in reply to "Christmas crackers in the US"
It's a holdover from when I lived in England. My friends think I'm nuts, but I still put them on the table at Christmas dinner and make everyone wear the tissue paper crowns. I met friends for dinner last year at a restaurant and took crackers and made everyone pop them and wear the hats. First off, we almost caused a stampede and got tossed from the restaurant because they thought someone was firing a gun. Oops. Then we were laughing like loons with these stupid hats on and reading the jokes and making bad deals and bribes to trade the little toys. Actually had a friends brother offer to sleep with me in exchange for the toy rocket I got. Hmmmmm... I really should have taken him up on that one. LOL


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