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Re: Need suggestions on stocking stuffers

Posted by Natalia on 12/20/2005, 14:30:28, in reply to "Need suggestions on stocking stuffers"
If they are tea drinkers you could get the tea samplers...

I've also gotten little mini-bags of flavored/special coffees. You know, the kind that make only a few cups?

My mom always used to get us AA batteries, pens, pencils, etc.

There would always be an orange in the bottom, as well as nuts - walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds. All in shells of course. You could include a nutcracker. (Just make sure they aren't allergic!) Life savers, gum, jolly ranchers. Stuff like that.

Those little daily calendars with a saying or quote for every day.

Our dollar store has lots of really nice candles that would make great stocking stuffers.

Living in Montana, I can get special made-in-Montana goodies. Huckleberry candies & huckleberry chocolates are favorites with my out of state family.

The local Walmart pharmacy has a section that has miniaturized travel stuff. Soaps, shampoos, etc. I love that stuff!


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