As for image held by terrorists that America is trying to take over the world. What they focus on are the huge multi-national corporations such as Coca Cola, Pepsi Co, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King (corporate HQ in UK by the way) Nike, & Starbucks which are associated with America for the most part because they started here in the land of invention and free enterprise. These companies became multi-national because they franchised subsidiaries to the relatives of people in power in the countries overseas where they make those famalies extremely wealthy. But because they retain the American name and image, which they need to market the product successfully, our country is seen as trying to take over the world. In reality all these American companies have done is to make a whole lot of people around the world very very wealthy. Perhaps it is the lack of philanthropy by the subsidiary owners in third world countries that needs to be examined? But it's just a heck of allot easier to say America is trying to take over the world than to criticize powerful people who have the political connections to make you disappear if you point fingers at them for the poverty that exists in their own countries.