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Mission of the Army National Guard

Posted by Stacy Lynn on 12/7/2005, 7:10:42, in reply to "Help! Does anybody know..."

Hi! I've divided my time in the reserves since 1989 b/w the Army National Guard (til '93) and the Army Reserves (til present).

I just wanted to let y'all know that the National Guard, while having a state mission, has a Federal mission. It is considered, w/ the Army Reserves and the active Army, to be part of the Total Army and it's mission. In fact, units have been mobilized to action since WWII.

Also, my personal opinion on this reservist...

I don't blame her for wanting to get out of duty. Unless you're in that position then it's easy to say "she needs to fulfill her obligation" or "she signed up for it." Yes, she signed on that dotted line, but it gets to the point in which a person thinks "damn, how much more do I have to do?" How much more do I have to sacrifice?

Maybe more people should sacrifice and sign on the dotted line? I heard over the weekend, and I have not researched to find out if this is true, that only 2% of the US population serves in the military. Seems like a small # of people called to such a big job?




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