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This is a tough topic

Posted by suzieb on 12/6/2005, 15:51:39, in reply to "Thanks, my blood is still boiling!!"
I feel for anyone who has to go, yet she needs to live up to her committment. However, that said, how many of our National Guard troops ever expected to be deployed overseas? NATIONAL not INTERNATIONAL. This comes at a sad time for me as I just got off the phone with my son, trying to coordinate proper clothing for him to attend a funeral for one of his fellow soldiers. This gentleman was sent home from Kuwait with cancer. Since he took several months to die, the National Guard declared him officially off active duty status and his family will not receive any benefits. Adam doesn't want to wear his uniform to the funeral and since he's still on leave, he doesn't have to. Imagine that. I'm very disillusioned with the way we treat our military right now. I feel for this woman. One of the female soldiers in Adam's unit left her 4 month old daughter. Of course, the child did not recognize her when she returned, 15 months later, and didn't want her mother to hold her. It was heartbreaking. But, these are the choices military men and now women are making every day. Is it for me to judge? I honestly can't. All I can do is pray that Adam doesn't get deployed again.


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