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false intelligence

Posted by McDonna on 12/5/2005, 23:11:02, in reply to "Re: Okay, now take"
use as many means as possible to plant threats of events ... make them look real, maybe even sprinkle some real attempts in with fake ones

with every avenue you try, you are trying to get the US to react in some way that restricts people, affects their way of life
- anthrax in the mail shut down congress, post offices
- airplane threats cause lines to lengthen, flights delayed or canceled
- use library computers, cause legitimate users to be questioned
- plant information pointing to innocent people as possible terrorists, causing them to end up in Guantanamo (has been done)
- threats against ships, power companies, etc., cause $$ to be spent beefing up security

and so on

ultimate personal sacrifice might not be to volunteer as suicide bomber but to volunteer to be captured and give up false information when interrogated


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