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Tom.....have you ever played..

Posted by Brenda/qmih on 12/3/2005, 22:47:41
SOCOM (I, II, III)? I had to buy a PSP2 game today (Call of Duty) and I happened to notice SOCOM III (going for $50 a pop, I might add)...and since everyone else has their ideas of how you can make a Million Billion dollars...I thought I would add my 2 cents:)

What if you invented a game based on SEALs experiences....but not so much the stalking the enemy type thing...but more of a THINK it through exercise? Using some of your experiences....
Such as: 2 SEALs, a drunk taxi driver and a stripper (named Bliss of course)...on a moped...if you loose anyone off the moped you deduct 10 points from your score...if everyone arrives safely at the destination you gain 20 Pts.......guy on the roof....DON'T tramble the poppies....you earn 50 pts...but for every poppy you tramble...you loose 20....if you can find the guy on the roof gain..20pts....etc....(isn't that cute he is trying to hide;)
STart out In BUDS....If you make it through Hell Week 1000 pts....and give pts for each evolution...then make the player work their way through..each op...
Ya I know it's scary how my brain works isn't it?
But there isn't (to my knowledge) anything out there like this...mostly it is shoot em' ups/destroy etc....although Tomb Raider is a thinking game...it still has lots of fire power!
Bren........who just realized that she should take this idea and make her own million billion:)


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