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Re: Can you clarify a bit?

Posted by tom on 12/1/2005, 12:04:03, in reply to "Can you clarify a bit?"
"What you need to be doing is the critical bit" - you mean for you, as an individual? Is this the idea that your actions should further your personal long term goals? at any given time there are things you can do and things you should do. Sometimes there are things you must do--so, in a scenario where you have some authroity, you must do what you need to do (circular) Your actions should not be inconsistant with your long term personal goals---but they may be not directly attached

"want to break down emotional attachment to the term" leader---I would like people to be more hung up on what they are doing/need to be doing than being attached to being called a "leader"

"recently botched that" :)--no, meaning that I spent all my time sheparding people through the strategic planning process and never balanced my books---as in, balance sheet.

Also, speaking of books, and sorry if this has been asked and answered, are you thinking of a Book III based on the leadership discussions? actually, book 0 was the leadership book---never got through it because everyone wants leadership books that reflect their personalities so they continue to convince themselves they are leaders---mine didn't do that--


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